Blog: Retirement Insecurity

In many ways, women are worse off under defined benefit pension plans than they would be under more portable retirement plans.
Illinois' pension plan is bad for new teachers. But you don't have to take our word for it.
Read our new report about teachers without Social Security coverage.
Across almost the entire age spectrum, Americans have fewer assets relative to their income than at any other time in the last 30 years.
Giving workers a "nudge" can dramatically impact the number of workers covered by a retirement plan.
In the fantasy world where all teachers stay in one state for a 30-year career, state pension plans do a bang-up job of delivering benefits to workers. That’s just not the reality of the world we live in.
An Illinois judge has ruled unconstitutional the state's 2013 pension reform law. That is potentially very problematic for new teachers and those who aren't yet teaching.
Our public policies harm the retirement savings of public school teachers.

In honor of National Save for Retirement Week, we've created a Buzzfeed-style quiz to help you better understand teacher retirement plans and the issues around them.

A new paper suggests that a common perception about how we pay public sector workers is fundamentally flawed.