April 2014

In New York, teachers were subject to mandatory retirement laws that capped the age a teacher could work. Mandatory retirement laws do not exist anymore, but current pension systems do subtly encourage older teachers to retire.
Randi Weingarten, the President of the American Federation of Teachers, used her monthly paid advertisement in The New York Times to talk about retirement, but she didn't use the opportunity to call for better benefits for public school teachers.
School administrators should warn all new teachers about the significant savings penalty they face because of high mobility rates and long service requirements to qualify for a pension.
When a teacher leaves the classroom, she may also leave the state or district retirement system. As a teacher leaves, what happens to her pension contributions?
With all the noise about teacher pensions it’s interesting that Social Security receives so little attention. About 40 percent of teachers are not covered. Why not?
As legislators in Illinois and other states face similar dilemmas about who pays the costs of pension payments, they should keep in mind issues of fairness, equity, and transparency.

In the late 1990s, state pension funds experienced surpluses from high returns in the stock market. Rather than prudently saving the surplus funds, many states passed legislation to enhance or increase pension benefits for public workers. 

In a recent paper, economists Cory Koedel, Shawn Ni, and Michael Podgursky analyzed who benefitted from a series of pension enhancements in Missouri in the late 1990s and early 2000s and by how much. As the authors calculate, teachers who were already well into their teaching career received benefit increases of over $100,000 in estimated pension wealth. However, to pay for the benefit enhancements and a falling stock market, Missouri has been forced to increase teacher contributions to the pension plan. That contribution increase was not enough to cancel out the benefit increase for late-career teachers, but it erased all gains for teachers who were early in their career at the time. Most importantly, because both employees and their employers were now paying higher contribution rates, it made the overall compensation structure much worse for all new teachers. That system still exists today. 

You should read the full paper, but to show the effect of the benefit enhancements for mid- and late-career teachers I created the gif below from the authors' Figure 1. It shows the changes in pension wealth for someone who began teaching in Missouri schools at the age of 25 in 1983. Her benefits improved substantially as a result of pension formula enhancements in 1996, 1999, 2000, and 2002, creating a much more generous benefit at the back end of her career. The dotted line in all the graphs is the baseline year of 1995. 

Chart: Missouri Pension Wealth Accrual Before and After Benefit Enhancements, 1995-2002

Missouri Pension Enhancements on Make A Gif

Source: Figure 1 here


Who benefits from pension enhancement? According to an analysis of benefit enhancements in Missouri, teachers who stay in one system for an entire career. But this comes at the expense of novice or future teachers.
The California Public Employees' Retirement System is twisting itself in knots trying to show how much value it adds to the state's economy.
States may be getting a deal for their teachers. Among other trends, the teaching force is simultaneously becoming younger and less experienced. This translates to cheaper costs for the state, but at the price of teacher retirement security.